
Female serial killers
Female serial killers

The discussion also emphasizes that the complicated nature of these offenders' crimes makes profiling almost impossible. Other categories include the revenge killer, who commits crimes of passion, usually against members of her own family the murderer motivated by profit or crime the team killer, who works with other women or men to commit brutal and often sexual murders and the killer whose sanity is in question.

female serial killers

These include the Black Widow, who is the most careful and methodical or murders and kills persons with whom she has a close, personal relationship the Angel of Death, who often murders in a hospital or nursing home and the sexual predator, who works alone and is the rarest type of female serial killer. Wuornos was a lesbian who had been severely neglected as a child and had been repeatedly raped (Hickey, 1997). Delfina, along with her sister Maria de Jesus Gonzalez, 39, was convicted of first degree murder, slavery and other crimes and sentenced to the maximum penalty of 40 years in prison. The discussion divides female serial murderers into seven categories. There have been necrophile female serial killers, female serial killers who use axes, hammers and knives to budgeon or stab their victims, cannibal female. 4 Female Serial Killers Who Will Haunt Your Dreams Maria Ricapito Delfina Gonzalez Valenzuela, 52, behind bars at the San Francisco del Rincon jail.

#Female serial killers archive

Bettmann / Bettmann Archive Advertisement 'I’m amazed more people haven’t heard of Marybeth Tinning.

female serial killers female serial killers

The discussion notes that female serial murderers are far more deadly and determined, difficult to apprehend, and complexly motivated than her male counterpart. Marybeth Tinning, whose nine children died suspiciously under her care.

Female serial killers