
Grounded game
Grounded game

grounded game
  1. Grounded game update#
  2. Grounded game license#

  • Breakable Weapons: The crafted tools and weapons have durability meters.
  • Break Meter: Defending with a weapon or shield fills up a block meter, which staggers you if it fills completely.
  • Infected ones have the same purple, swirly eyes as all other infected creatures, and also like them will attack on sight. The regular ones are passive bugs who won't hurt you unless you attack them first (weevils won't hurt you at all, running away if you strike them).
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Infected ladybugs and weevils.
  • Tully to break a hole in the weed killer tank to allow the weed killer to contain the fungus

    grounded game

    Tully had the area drenched in the weed killer due to an experiment with raw science and cordyceps that went very wrong and broke out, forcing Dr. Exploring the Haze Lab reveals that Dr.

    grounded game

    It's unclear whether the Haze (which is actually pesticide being sprayed from a bug bomb in the yard) is supposed to be killing the plagued insects. These insects have Mind-Control Eyes and their bodies are grotesquely covered in fungal growths. Body Horror: In the Haze section of the yard, you can find and fight insects that are infected with some sort of parasitic fungus, likely based on cordyceps.Blocking Stops All Damage: Applies when blocking with a shield, which prevents you from being damaged by almost any attack, but you'll take a stamina penalty if it isn't a perfect block.They're actually normal sized creepy crawlies, but you've been shrunk down to their level so they appear huge to you. Big Creepy-Crawlies: Ants, weevils, mites, aphids, and ladybugs wander around the backyard.Benevolent Architecture: Several backyard tools, twigs, leaves and branches are deliberately placed in areas to keep the player from getting stuck in crevices they can't otherwise get back out of, most notably in the Haze area, which features dozens of steep chasms that are otherwise insurmountable from within, if not for some conveniently-placed rock piles and twig branches.

    Grounded game update#

    Of note, the koi pond update added a slicing tool in the form of the dagger. A slicing implement like a knife would be far more useful.

    grounded game

    Even if we assume the shrunken humans could still put enough force behind their chop, grass and weed stems are simply too flexible to be chopped in the same way that a tree trunk is chopped.

    Grounded game license#

    Artistic License – Physics: There are the standard violations of the Square-Cube Law usually found in Mouse World settings, but in particular the concept of chopping grass with an axe.If a hostile non-flying insect cannot reach you, and they have enough room to do so, they will attempt to jump to your position, preventing easy kills with the bow and arrow Artificial Brilliance: While their pathfinding leaves a little to be desired overall, if a harmless non-flying insect cannot reach you, it will attempt to run away from you if you try and shoot it with arrows from a distance.Applied Phlebotinum: Raw Science, a physical manifestation of scientific research, is awarded for analyzing crafting materials and finding rare pickups in the overworld, and is currently used as currency to trade with BURG.L for crafting recipes, mutations and upgrades to your equipment.Antlion Monster: Introduced in the Hot and Hazy update, Antlions are exclusive to the Sandbox biome, and are formidable Lightning Bruisers that can burrow underground and emerge underneath you, dealing heavy damage and stunning you briefly.

    Grounded game